Westbridge Controls
Ideal Clima hydronic terminals are a perfect match with modern low-temperature heating technologies, such as condensing boilers and heat pumps. In the space occupied by a normal radiator, they deliver high power in heating and cooling even with low temperatures of the supply water.
Result: thermal comfort in summer and winter, silence and reduced dimensions, the result of research and Ideal Clima patents. All models are designed and manufactured starting from the needs of residential environments, with walls, high wall, and ducted solutions for false ceilings. The latter are also distinguished by the FastFan distribution kits, ready for installation. Thanks to the wide range of delivery vents, including the invisible FiloZero vents, the Ideal Clima ducted solutions have no equal in terms of aesthetics and functionality. The range is completed with control solutions, both in single-zone and multi-zone , from simple but pleasant built-in thermostats to the refinement of Integra Benessere ThermoDomotica solutions.